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Introducing TEI ODD

Up to this point, we have been applying code based on researching the Guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and seeing what is available to us in the oXygen XML Editor on a TEI-All document. TEI projects often begin this way, exploring what is possible in the hundreds of elements and attribute options available. However, sooner or later as a project continues, it is best to customize the TEI by reducing the options we want to be available within a project. What elements are we actually using and how much of the TEI do we really need?

Customizing the TEI involves a process of generating a new Relax NG schema that typically represents a much smaller subset of the TEI. We could also introduce some of our own custom elements from outside the TEI (as in make up some elements that are not otherwise represented in the TEI Guidelines), but that is a little more advanced and usually unecessary for most TEI projects.

So, how do we access the TEI Relax NG schema? Because the TEI represents such a large schema, we do not edit its Relax NG directly. (TEI Relax NG is typically expressed in the verbose XML syntax because it requires some functionality from XML processing code that is not available in the Relax NG Compact Syntax you have learned to write.) Instead, to customize the TEI, we work with a TEI language called ODD for One Document Does it all. ODD syntax concisely expresses in XML which modules of the TEI we are working with (clusters of TEI elements grouped based on their functionality and purpose; currently there are 20 modules as of this writing in 2022). In preparing an ODD, when we represent a module, we can also indicate which of its elements we want to include (throwing out all the others) or which ones we want to exclude (keeping the rest). TEI ODD XML can also express specific customizations, to lay out which attribute values you want to use in your project customization for, say, the attribute xml:id on the handNote element.

Here I have linked an example of an ODD customization made by students working on a project to encode Hamilton the Musical, with lots of customized attribute values mostly for providing distinct identifiers for characters in the musical. Since we are working with manuscripts and other kinds of materials, our ODD customizations will certainly look different from this: we will need to work with different modules, but we will still want to customize them as we see in the ODD file, to determine which elements we ware going to use and to indicate what values we want to work with on some of the attributes.

To explore how to create an ODD, let's work with one of the TEI files you have been coding so far. You may also opt to work with our class examples for TEI posted in the textEncoding-Hub.

A good place to begin work on an ODD customizations is a tool designed for TEI called Roma, available at This is where we created our starter ODD for class, which I downloaded and pushed to our textEncoding-Hub repo, and stored in Class Examples >> TEI-ODD-Examples. For this exercise, you may begin with this ODD file and continue to customize it, or you may start from scratch exploring how to include and exclude elements in Roma Beta. My assignment for you is simply to refine what we started, to try the following: