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Comparative Website Development


This is a cluster of assignments that involves you learning to develop a public-facing website in two different environments that are free to you to access. Your goal is develop a pair of websites with multiple internal pages that contain the same content in two different development scenarios. This involves both of the following:

  1. Creating a website with HTML and CSS code using GitHub Pages on a GitHub repository (available to set up at
  2. Creating a website using your free student webspace on Penn State’s Wordpress (available to set up at

Ultimately, after this assignment, you will choose one of these two websites to continue developing as we proceed with our course.

Portfolio Site Contents

Develop both websites to be the foundation of a public-facing professional portfolio of your work. The site you design for this DIGIT 100 class does not have to be the professional portfolio you will be ready to share with potential employers in your junior or senior years. But it should be a beginning, and something you can build on and return to during your time as a student.

With this assignment, you will try to post the same material on two different kinds of websites. The informational content (reading text and images you share) should be the same on both sites, but your choice of presentation and the way it looks on the web will be different between the two site development environments.

Sites should contain:

The site should contain a combination of images and texts, carefully laid out to represent you in a way that helps others to learn about work that matters to you.

When complete, post links to your two sites on Canvas at the appropriate assignment link.

Reflection on Two Different Approaches to Website Development

After you have prepared both of your site sand you are satisfied with their appearance and contents, and that both contain the same information, it is time to reflect on the development experience. Draft a short essay with a title (in heading tags) and in paragraphs, to appear as a page on both websites, in which you compare the experience of developing a site in GitHub Pages with the other website development environment that you chose. This web essay should try to describe in your experience what the most significant difference is between the two website development methods. For each website, comment on the following:

When this portion of this assignment is complete, post links to your reflection pages (from each website) on Canvas at the appropriate assignment link.